Supporting companion pets in crisis
Lisa Martin founded Companion Pets in Crisis“CPiC” in 2016. CPiC started out as the only boots on the ground non profit organization dedicated to assisting our local fire departments on 9-1-1 crisisand disaster calls when pets were involved.
Their founder witnessed first hand the devastation and the uncertainties that followed when beloved pets were involved or displaced from their home due to crisis situations. During her time volunteering as a Crisis Responder she recognized the critical need to bridge the gap between human care and animal care.
In the beginning of 2024 CPiC expanded its services to assist veterans who are at risk or are experiencing homelessness with their beloved companion pets. Their innovative “Homeless Petsand Vets Outreach” became a reality on January 28, 2024 when we hosted our first pop up clinic in Glendale - Along with our partners CASS and VetCORE we were able to provide 33 pets with exams, vaccinations, deworming, nail trims, ear cleaning, flea and tick preventive treatment, petfood, bowls, leashes/collars, sweaters, toys, treats and spay/neuter vouchers.
We also served puppuccinos to all the pups for being such great sports, their humans received additional resources and the required documents to enter shelter with their furbabies.
They believe by providing these services it breaks barriers so individuals can move from the streets into transitional housing along with their beloved companion pets.
Supporting animals and humans in disaster
Animals and Humans in Disaster is a 501 C(3) nonprofit organization that provides assistance to pets and individuals experiencing economic challenges, health problems, and/or natural disaster.
Every year during the month of October, Animals and Humans in Disaster provides services for Veterans at the Glendale Veterans Stand Up and in 2024 they aim to expand their support to Veterans Village of Glendale Maricopa along with the Veterans Stand down on March 21 and 22.
Additionally, Animals and Humans in Disaster serves pet food at
Location: St John's Lutheran Church, 7205 North 51st Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85301
Food Bank Hours
Monday.Wednesday.Thursday, (except holidays) ,
9:00 am – 12:00 pm.